Crataegus / Hawthorn
Crataegus / Hawthorn
Hawthorn trees are a delight to have in the landscape because of their attractive shape, shade potential, and clusters of pink or white flowers that bloom in spring. Songbirds love hawthorns, too, and they’ll visit often in fall and winter to enjoy the bright-colored berries. Most hawthorn trees grow 15 to 30 feet tall. This is the perfect size for the average urban garden.
The above information take from the Gardening Know How page below:
Snowbird hawthorn
Crataegus x mordenensis 'Snowbird'
Introduced in 1967 by Morden Research Station of Manitoba, Canada, this tree originated as an open-pollinated seedling of 'Toba', but has shown greater hardiness. It has attractive, fragrant double white flowers, but fruit production is sparse.
Height: 12 - 15 ft
Spread: 15 - 20 ft
Fall Color: Insignificant Yellow
USDA Zone: 3 -
Toba Hawthorn
Crataegus x mordenensis 'Toba'
Hardier than some of the other hawthorns, this tree was introduced by the Morden Research Station of Manitoba, Canada. It bears fragrant, large, double white flowers that turn to pink; glossy foliage, and 1/2 inch red fruit. The interesting twisted trunk is an added ornamental feature.
Height: 12 - 15 ft
Spread: 12 - 15 ft
Fall Color: Insignificant Yellow
USDA Zone: 3 - 7
The modest size as well as the beautiful showy flowers in spring leave little reason not to plant these stately miniature trees.
Though a fruit may form on these trees its persistent nature keeps it on the branches until it is eaten by many birds. A fantastic addition to your landscape, these Hawthorn do not disappoint.
Perhaps the most common drawback to these trees are again their susceptibility to a disease. Since they are also in the greater Rose family (Rosaceae) they are subject to the disease of Fireblight. Again caused by a bacteria that is introduced into the tree by the flower when pollinated by an insect or rain that spreads the disease from one branch to another within the same tree, if left unchecked Fireblight can cause serious problems. However this is a very treatable disease.
The optimal time to prune these plants is in spring before the new growth emerges. There is relatively little pruning that should need to be done to these trees.
For more information, see our page on pruning.